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Concert Make-Up Assignment

Due to the CHS "Singing Spartans" Chorus Program being a co-curricular program there are responsibilities both during the school day and outside of the school day. 100% concert attendance is desired, but realistically I understand that emergencies arise. In the case of a missed concert performance please see the assignments below:

Complete the items below your Concert Make-Up Assignment and submit on FLIPGRID under the ALT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Topic within a week after the missed performance. 

Excused concert absences can earn 100% of the points for completing this assignment (death in the family, illness, car emergency, etc.).

Unexcused concert absences can only earn up to 80% of the points (I had to work, I didn't have a ride, etc).

STEP 1:  Record yourself singing YOUR part of YOUR choir's concert selections - not the combined choir pieces. If you want you can have friends (on different parts) sing with you, or sing along with a recording, just be sure you are clearly heard on the recording.

For each day late after the due date you will lose 10 points from the max grade until the grade is 0 (zero) with no chance to turn it in later.

Please be sure to complete your assignment in a timely fashion.

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